Excel Function Mastery Virtual Boot Camp


May 11, 2017


Neil Malek

  11:00 AM ET | 10:00 AM CT | 8:00 AM PT | 180 Minutes

* Not able to attend the live session? We can arrange an on-demand session for You. Please call 1-‪814-892-0304


                         Empower yourself using Functions in Microsoft Excel. Solve dozens of Excel’s trickiest problems today.

There are 448 functions in Microsoft Excel 2013. Most people will probably use no more than 10 functions in their entire lifetime. Further, functions can be used with standard relative references to cells, or to absolute references, named ranges, dynamic named ranges, table ranges, and 3D references - but most users don’t know the benefits of different reference types. Due to popular demand, we’ve created a Virtual Boot Camp to explore some of the most powerful and useful functions for business.

However, if you work in Excel frequently, sooner or later you will likely need a specific function, that you may not currently be aware even exists, to perform a special task. Here is a way figure out which function you need from within Excel.

By creating named ranges in everyday spreadsheets, functions that use them become more easily updated and dynamic. This can be done manually, or you can use the incredible new Table feature in Excel. These tools are critical for anyone who uses Excel regularly. Being able to clean up data, work with dates, and combine new information with existing spreadsheets are essential skills, and with the Text, Date, and Lookup function families, there is a wealth of power available. Finally, a spreadsheet is only valuable if it can provide insight, and the Logic function family gives you access to that.

Session Highlights:

  • Working with a combination of Relative and Absolute cell references
  • Creating manual named ranges and updating them through the Name Manager
  • Leveraging the Table feature in Excel to create dynamic named ranges
  • Scrubbing data with TRIM, PROPER, Text to Columns, and more
  • Managing text with LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND, and CONCAT
  • Updating date information with TODAY, NOW, and NETWORKDAYS
  • Combining data with VLOOKUP, INDEX, and MATCH
  • Making decisions with IF, AND, OR, SUMIFS, and COUNTIFS
  • Polishing your spreadsheet with IFERROR
  • Nesting functions for maximum utility

Why You Should Attend:

Even if you already know how to apply basic formulas, you’ll discover how to take your data validation and analysis to an advanced level using the extensive array of tools built into Excel. You’ll then be armed with the knowledge you need to avoid misinterpreting critical data, losing precious time recalculating, or missing out on additional analysis already at your fingertips.

Who Should Attend:

  • Managers, Supervisors
  • Financial professionals, Administrative assistants, Marketers
  • Office Managers
  • CPA, CFO
  • Controller
  • Anyone and everyone who uses Microsoft Excel and is looking for a way to add hours back into each day

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