Fair Housing Maintenance Challenges


February 06, 2019


Paul Flogstad

  1:00 PM ET | 12:00 PM CT | 10:00 AM PT | 60 Minutes

* Not able to attend the live session? We can arrange an on-demand session for You. Please call 1-‪814-892-0304


Statistics are very clear that maintenance staff are the ones most vulnerable to get involved in fair housing violation; simply because they have the most interactions with tenants. More than 60 per cent of HUD fair housing complaints arise due to a maintenance issues or are related to a maintenance staff.

Therefore, it makes sense that your maintenance staff are well versed with the latest fair housing rules and regulations to avoid violations and complaints.

 Since your staff are in constant contact with tenants some of their actions or words may be misunderstood or their unintentional action may lead to a fair housing violation. They must be careful to avoid discrimination complaints and learn to communicate with residents who don’t speak their language. Maintenance staff should also know how to interact with individuals with disabilities and carefully avoid missteps that may lead to sexual harassment accusations.

Join HUD compliance expert, Paul Flogstad in this session to ensure that your maintenance staff is up to speed with all the rules and regulation of fair housing. This webinar will provide the knowledge and information to your staff to avoid fair housing maintenance challenges, including interacting with people with disabilities and limited English proficiency, and avoiding sexual harassment complaints from tenants.

Session Highlights

  • Overview and definition of fair housing
  • Identifying the protected classes
  • Fair housing for maintenance personnel
  • Dealing with assistive animals, steering and disability
  • Reasonable accommodation and Reasonable modification issues
  • Tips and best practices on various procedures
  • ADA considerations in Fair Housing
  • Fair housing rule enforcement
  • The high cost of violations
  • Some examples of discrimination
  • Housing for Older Persons Act
  • Identifying discriminatory housing practices
  • Recent Cases
  • Maintenance staff training – How often?
  • Taking proactive fair housing measures

Who Will Benefit

  • Property managers
  • Property owners
  • Maintenance staff
  • Leasing consultants